Unified Esports League is a non-profit committed to bringing together individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs) through the transformative power of technology and gaming. Unified Esports empowers those with IDDs by enabling them to translate their passion for gaming and technology into prospective career or educational opportunities.

By leveraging the benefits of team sports and gaming, Esports aims to bolster communication, collaboration, and critical thinking skills among individuals with IDDs. Simultaneously, it introduces them to potential opportunities within the gaming and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) industries. Program leaders are dedicated to broadening the horizons of those with IDDs by cultivating positive and constructive gaming environments. Specifically designed curriculum units empower students to pursue ambitious goals like career or college pathways, acquire driving skills, and participate in team-based competitions.

Their program sustains daily support for 8-12 individuals in Poway and caters to 2-6 individuals at their newly established El Cajon site. This program operates throughout the year, unaffected by school timetables, except on holidays. Notably, no restrictions exist on how often students can attend these sessions.
“There is so much potential in all the people we work with. Unfortunately, far too few are blazing a trail to give those we work with more choices. Everyone needs a loving community of people, a sense of identity, and somewhere to believe in and work on what they are enthusiastic about. To me, those things are as important as food and water; we are incredibly grateful for the support of FDD in helping us to build this program and supply those things.”
- Matthew Iske, Founder Unified Esports League

Acknowledging the innovative potential of individuals with IDDs, the Foundation for Developmental Disabilities (FDD) generously granted $13,000 to Unified Esports. This funding was crucial in procuring the necessary furniture and technology for gaming and technology education. This encompassed curved monitors, gaming and workstation computers, virtual reality headsets, video editing and game design software, audio engineering tools, gaming consoles, and accompanying peripherals. FDD's backing empowers individuals who are deeply passionate about technology and gaming to carve out a fulfilling future pursuing their passions.
To learn more about Foundation for Unified Esports, visit their website at Foundation — Unified Esports League (unifiedesl.com).
Are you a nonprofit organization based in San Diego and Imperial County and seeking funding for a program? Visit www.foundationfordd.org/program-grants to learn more about our program grant opportunities.